What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


Did you ever wonder How did we come here and where do we go when we leave this world?


Well, I have spent a lot of time thinking about these kinds of concepts, building many ideas around it, listening to the people who ask themselves these types of questions, reading spiritual books about it.


What I have come to find that at the very core of all the theories around it, there is one common conception that says that everything comes from one eternal source. This source simultaneously exist within and beyond space and time, it is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time, it is the cause and effect of itself, and it is the source of all intelligence.


I call this source power “The Eternal Spirit”, and everything in the universe is an expression of this power. It is a field of energy and information that connects everything in the universe.


Energy and Matter


It is a very well known fact in science now that every form of matter that we can observe is primarily composed of energy, the rates at which the energy vibrates gives the matter its form.


To simply understand that, if you take a glass of water and put it in the freezer, it would slowly begin to change its form and would become ice, now you take that ice and start heating it, it would again change its form into the water, and if you keep heating it up it would take the form of steam and eventually transform into a form which cannot be perceived through physical senses.


What is actually happening is that the rates of vibration of energy are changing in all these steps and as the rates of vibration change, the form of matter changes with it.


To understand the relation between energy and matter, take a blank white paper and consider this sheet of paper as the field of energy (The Eternal Spirit). Now at this page, you can draw an infinite number of pictures or symbols, equal to your imagination.


 Now take a pencil and at one corner of this page draw a picture of your favorite fruit, and think of this- the fruit was always there in a form that you couldn’t see, the work that is done by the pencil made it appear to your eyes. Now at the other corner of it draw a tree, at the third corner of it draw a car, and at the last corner draw a house. In the middle of the paper draw a human body.


Now, think about this– all the five drawings appear to be separate from each other but if you observe carefully you would realize that they are the same white paper and are not separate from each other; the marks created by the pencil made them appear to be separate.


 Now if you erase those pencil marks or lines you would again see the same one blank paper.


The relation between the energy and matter is exactly like the above example; there is an unseen field of energy that connects everything, just like the blank paper.


 The matter or things that we can see is the physical expression of this field.


Every material thing appears to be separate from each other to our physical senses, just like the drawings on the paper; but in truth, everything is an expression of the same energy and never truly separate from one another.


Now, we (Human beings) are also the expression of the same field of energy, which means we are also connected to everything and everyone in a realm which cannot be perceived through physical senses.


In science, this field is known as the Quantum field, and in this field, an infinite number of possibilities exist simultaneously.


It is a field of intelligence that has a mind of its own which is called ‘the universal mind’. The universal mind in its inherent nature is a subjective mind, which means it operates in a totally deductive manner.


Everything that we see in the universe is a pattern in the universal mind which is expressed in the physical forms of planets, stars, galaxies, etc.


Everything that ever was or ever will be, exists in it as a potential or possibility. Our individual mind is an extension or an individualized expression of this universal mind.


Understand this- the way you see and believe about yourself and your life, is a pattern that you impress upon the universal mind, and it being totally deductive accepts that pattern, and creates your reality according to that pattern.


So, if you see yourself as a happy person living a happy life then it will accept it and create a happy life for you where you are truly happy.


On the other hand, if you see yourself as a failure living a miserable life it will take that pattern and create a life for you where you live in misery and failure.


It does not decide what’s good for you and what’s not, that’s your job. It will take whatever image you impress upon it and express it as your reality.


 Your subconscious mind is not a separate mind rather it is your individual identity in the universal mind.


The most important thing to understand here is that it doesn’t know the difference between a real event in your life and an event you create in your mind by thoughts alone.


So if you imagine in your mind, being the person you want to be, living the life you truly want to live and feel the emotion of that experience, it will take that inner event of your mind as your reality and will create a replica of it in your physical reality.



Human consciousness


I begin this article with a question about where do we come from?


Now with the understanding of the field of energy and the universal mind of it that transforms the invisible energy into material forms. It is easy to understand that nothing is ever created or destroyed, everything is already here, and it only changes forms.


So, it suggests that we were already here in the form of energy but we were not aware of it; when that energy transformed into the form of a physical body we became aware of our existence.


 In the same manner when we’d die we would still be in the field of energy, in a form that cannot be perceived by physical senses.


The simple definition of consciousness is that “Consciousness is the quality of awareness of existence.” 


The animals have a consciousness, they are aware of their outer environment but they are not aware of their inner environment, this level of consciousness is known as simple consciousness.


We as human beings have an awareness of our outer environment as well as our inner environment of thoughts and feelings, this level of consciousness is known as the self-consciousness.


The unseen field of energy that exists throughout the entire universe and beyond has a consciousness of its own, it is expressing itself through everything and it is aware of everything in all places and in all times, this level of consciousness is known as Divine consciousness or Universal Consciousness.


The simple consciousness in animals allows them to interact with their environment as individuals, they are aware of their individuality but they are not aware that they are aware of it.


 The Universal consciousness of the field is aware of everything, every place, every time, and it is aware that it is aware. It is within everything and everyone in every time.


 The self-consciousness in human beings is a unique phenomenon, it allows us to interact with our outer environment as well as our inner environment, and there are infinite numbers of levels of self-awareness which we can tap into, in order to improve the quality of our life.


Awareness moves through the Mind



Understand that you are not your mind rather you are ‘awareness’ or ‘consciousness’ moving through the mind.


As ‘consciousness’ we have access to infinite possibilities, we can connect to the universal mind and get access to new ideas, information, new experiences, and when we connect to these possibilities we become aware of them.


 If we keep our attention on these possibilities then this new awareness of ours moves through our individual mind and express itself through our thoughts, feeling, and actions in our life as our experiences and the results we get in our personal life.


Now, when you came in this world the first 7 years nature was building your individual identity in the universal mind, which is your subconscious mind, so your subconscious mind downloads all the programs necessary to survive in a particular environment and culture.


So when your awareness moved through your mind it became aware of the identity that nature had built for you.


Your job in life, then, is to start growing from that identity into a higher level of awareness, so that you can find a way to connect to the power that created you, that lives within you, that expresses itself through you


When you would do so, you will be able to create your reality with this power as a co-creator, in order to enjoy more health, happiness, and a feeling of wholeness.




Understand that when nature was building your identity in your subconscious mind, it became the patterns that you gave to the eternal spirit to express as you and your reality.


You, then, started learning through studies and other mediums more about life and how things work.


 You kept repeating your habitual behaviors and feelings for a long period of time.


These habitual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors became fixed in your subconscious mind, which is known as your Paradigm.


Dr. Joe Dispenza says that “How you think, how you feel, and how you act is called your personality; and your personality creates your personal reality. It means if you want to create a new personal reality, a new life, you have to change your personality.”


So, in order to do whatever you truly desire to do you have to change your paradigm (Personality) because it’s your paradigm that is not allowing the eternal spirit to express itself in your life as you desire.


 The eternal spirit wants to give you everything you desire but it cannot give it to you until you change your Paradigm.


To understand a paradigm in simple terms think of a whiteboard and a marker. You have the marker and clean whiteboard, now you create five different images -a fruit in one corner, a car in the other, a house in the third corner, money in the last corner, and a human body in the center, just like you did with the pencil and paper.


 These images represent a part of your life your house, your car, your diet, your finance, and your health.


 Now if you want to make a big house on the whiteboard you have to erase the old image and create a new one of a bigger house.


The whiteboard represents the eternal spirit with infinite possibilities equal to your imagination. The marker represents the conscious mind through which you can create whatever you want, the images on the whiteboard represent the paradigms.


 So, in order to create a new image at the place where another image occupies that place you have to erase the old image.


 In the same manner, you have to change the old paradigm in order to have a new life.


If we see it through the lenses of wisdom we would find that we have access to the infinite possibilities in the universal mind, but our paradigm keeps us lingering into the place where we believe that we are limited beings, but in truth, we are not.


When we understand who we really are and the potential that lies within us, and begin connecting to the power that created us, lives within us, and express itself through us, we begin to change the frequency of our thoughts, and we attract higher frequency of thoughts which inspire us to grow.


Now, when your awareness goes from the physical world to the realm of thoughts and you connect to a higher frequency, your conscious mind working with your awareness creates an image, but when your awareness moves through your mind to express this new image in your life, it gets stuck in the paradigm.


It won’t get to express itself until the old Paradigm is changed into a new paradigm, through which you can express your true desires as your reality.


Now, we have access to infinite possibilities which means we have infinite potential for growth, we can keep growing to the very last moment we spent on this earth if we learn how to change the Paradigm.


Changing the paradigm, in theory, sounds simple and easy but in reality, it is the toughest job there is.


The moment you decide to change your paradigm, it will begin to put a fight against your new decision and it will push you to your limits trying to make you give up, but you have a choice you can either hold on to your desire or submit to your paradigm.


If you choose to hold on to the desire against all odds, the paradigm has no choice but to give up.



Thank you very much for your time.


-Parvez Alam

(author of “The Law of Life- Basic Principles for a Better Life”)


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